Winter in New England is a special time in a special place. There are also a lot of special considerations to be made that aren’t of concern in warmer parts of the country. Tire changeovers. Snow removal.
Winter tree care.
Winter isn’t exactly the “off-season” like many think. Winter is a perfectly viable time of the year for ongoing tree care, and it actually offers up some seasonally specific advantages for tree care, too.
Transitioning Into Winter Care
There are a few jobs that the transitional period approaching winter is perfect for. Pruning, for instance, is the perfect type of service to schedule for this time. Homeowners aren’t thinking about their trees as much right now, because they’re not in bloom or changing colors, and people generally stay indoors more than they do during the spring, summer, and autumn months.
However, the fact that trees are dormant at this time of the year makes pruning ideal. It’s not as though the trees will be damaged during cold weather pruning – no more than they would be during the summer months, if the job weren’t done right. Our team adheres to the same strict methods of pruning and tree care in the winter that they do in the summer, and we’ll make sure your trees are pruned and healthy for the spring.
Additional Benefits of Winter Pruning
Did you know:
- Certain overgrown trees and shrubs benefit from a late winter rejuvenation. Pruning at that time minimizes any negative appearance as the plants will put out a flush of growth and look natural.
- Reducing heavy, out of proportion limbs this time of year will help prevent breakage from more growth the coming spring and enable plants to respond appropriately.
- Cuts made during the dormant season are less likely to attract insects that carry disease and spread bacteria or fungi to trees.
- Removing limbs that are damaged or weak during the winter season makes the tree stronger and more prepared for serious winter weather.
- Less stress is put on trees when pruning happens during the dormant season, meaning that healthy growth is promoted when spring arrives.
- The lack of leaves is a good thing when it comes to pruning, because it’s easier to spot healthy limb structure vs. compromised areas where pruning would do the most good.
- More sunlight is allowed through the canopy and, with sunlight being in such short supply during our shorter winter days, that benefits grass and ground-level plants.
Thinking About a Tree Removal?
There are certain tree removals that cannot wait. If a tree has been determined to be an immediate safety hazard. In these cases, you obviously want to get that tree out of there as soon as possible.
Other tree removals can absolutely wait, though, and the incentive may be there to put it off until winter. Winter may be a great time for tree services, but customers still aren’t convinced sometimes. They want everything done in the spring and summer, and that causes a bottleneck in the industry.
If you have a tree that you want removed, why not schedule service for the winter? Our calendars are less hectic, meaning that you’ll get a more prompt service date, and it keeps our team working steadily throughout the season. That sounds a lot like a win-win situation to us.
Take Advantage of the Frozen Ground!
At Tree Tech, Inc., we always aim to protect our clients’ property. That’s actually easier to do in the winter, when the ground is frozen, though. As careful as we might be, the soft grounds of springtime make it much more likely for there to be an impact on the property surrounding your home.
From tracks left by heavy machinery to fallen tree limbs sticking straight into the ground, there are a lot of factors that can cause property damage when the ground is soft and muddy. Again, we do everything in our power to minimize any such effects to our clients’ property, but cold, hard soil makes it that much easier!
Get In Touch Today and Schedule Your Wintertime Tree Services
When you try to jam all of your tree services into the spring and summer months, you’re working against yourself and against the health of your trees. Tree service companies’ calendars are booked out and the soft ground complicates logistics and increases risk of property damage.
We understand why homeowners looking to stay warm and cozy inside may not have their trees at the top of their minds in winter season. Trust us, though, tree work doesn’t need to exclude the winter months at all. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of winter tree services. We’ll make sure your trees are ready to go when the warmer weather arrives in New England once more.
Winter Isn’t the “Off-Season” of Tree Care in Eastern Massachusetts
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Home » Winter Isn’t the “Off-Season” of Tree Care